Landbouwminiaturenbeurs 2024 Aanmelden standhouders

De inschrijving voor standhouders voor de landbouwminiaturenbeurs 2024 is open t/m 31 juli 2024.

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Aanmelding Landbouwminiaturenbeurs 2024

New registration procedure for exhibitors of the L.C.N. fair
On the registration form you can then indicate the following:
-On which day(s) you want to be as an exhibitor;
-The required number of tables of 160 x 80 cm;
-Is it about sales and/or show tables;
-How many people are coming. Two people per stand are always included;
-How many extra wristbands you need;
-Do you need a power point;
-Whether you would like free tickets for third parties at your invitation (admission from 10.00 am);
-Room for comments, for example: I have my own show tables, I would like to stand next to a certain person, etc

The part of the one time authorization will be cancelled. What is new is that once you have completed the registration form, you will receive a payment request via IDEAL.
Before you can send the registration form, you must first pay the stand rental.
Only then the form can be submitted. Without payment, your registration is not final!

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